Should Sex Education Be Given In School Or Not?

It is very important to give sex education to children, but if sex education is given in schools in India, the following things need to be considered.

Should Sex Education Be Given In School Or Not - HumanSexEducation
Should Sex Education Be Given In School Or Not – HumanSexEducation
  • Sex education should be given to those who have complete and proper knowledge about the subject and also answer the children’s question with proper scientific reason.
  • Children should be given sex education before coming of age.
  • Special attention should be paid to language as well as your words when giving sex education to children.
  • Sex education about sex should be given considering scientific and social parameters without considering religious or cultural issues.
  • The boys and girls should sit together and give information so that they do not feel embarrassed to go ahead and talk to each other.
  • Use sketches, charts, slides, diagrams etc. when giving sex education.
  • If children are embarrassed to speak, ask them to write in a notebook and ask questions.
  • Sex education should always be given in groups, not alone.

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