Table of Contents
In this section, you can get detailed information about every part of the female body such as vagina, breast, anus, urethra, etc.

Description of the Female body and body part: –
The ear has three parts, 1. External 2. Middle and 3. Internal.
The outer ear is called the pinna and is made up of cartilage covered with skin. Sound funnel through the pinna into the external auditory canal, a small tube that terminates at the eardrum (tympanic membrane).
The eyes are part of the visual system. They provide vision to humans, enabling the ability to achieve and process visual detail as well as enable multiple photo response functions that are independent of vision. The eyes detect light and transform it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons.
The nose is the primary part of body odor and also acts as part of the respiratory system of the body. Air enters the body through the nose. As it passes through specialized cells of the olfactory system, the brain recognizes and identifies odors.
The upper part of human body, the middle part of the stomach and neck, is called Chest.
Breasts and nipples
Breasts vary in size. There are different shapes like round, pointed, stiff, hanging, small and big. In mammals, the mammary glands and nipples are formed to feed the milk. The breasts contain milk glands, which produce milk when the baby is born. But breast production alone cannot be considered. Breasts and nipples can play a big role in sex, romance.
The uterus is an organ made up of very tight muscles. The uterus is behind the bladder in the girl’s abdomen. It is connected to two ovaries and testicles.The mouth with the uterus is called the cervix. Below the cervix is ​​the vagina. When male and female sperm come together, the resulting seed germinates in the lining of the uterus and for some time feeds on the blood in that lining. If there is no seed or embryo left, the lining of the uterus falls off. This is what we call menstruation. As the fetus grows, the muscles of the uterus are stretched and restored shortly after the baby is born.
The female genitalia includes the vagina. The female sexual organs are inside and outside the body. The vagina is made up of all the organs such as the vaginal opening, the urethra or the urinary tract, the clitoris. By the way, the term Vagina is often used to refer to a female genitalia or sexual organ, but the vagina is just one part of the sexual organs. A vagina is a tube that connects the outer sex organs to the inner sex. There is the skin on both sides of the vagina. It is called the outer lip and the inner lip. The size and color of each vagina can be different. The vagina starts from the vagina and connects the cervix to the uterus. The vagina is made up of very flexible muscles.
XX Chromosomes
Female sperm contains only X chromosomes while male sperm contains only X or Y chromosomes. From these two seeds 23 pairs of chromosomes come into the new fertilized seed. One of these chromosome pairs determines the sex of the baby. If the X in the female seed and the X in the male seed come together, then there is a girl. And if the X in the female seed and the Y in the male seed come together, a child is born. This process happens naturally.
Female anus is the outer passage of your stomach. Where the intestines open, it is called the anal gate, from where all the digested food of the stomach comes out as a stool. There is short hair around the anus. The rectum is very sensitive.